Is this the fate of butter coffee? A sad future debunking my theory that consuming grass fed butter was ‘the cure' to so many of my health problems?
I recently shared my recipe for mocha butter coffee on Camille Styles. As expected, due to its controversial nature, there were some, well… controversial comments. 10 months ago, I would have completely agreed with them. Honestly, the hypothesis that fat makes you fat is 100% intuitive. I mean, you are what you eat, right?
Here's the thing: Modern science is currently showing that saturated fat is not to be feared. It's showing studies concluding that no significant evidence shows saturated fat contributes to heart disease. Without getting too technical, saturated fats not only have a place in our diet, they are absolutely essential for vibrant health and existence. Listed below are several reasons I confidently consume saturated fats in high volume.
- Healthy and saturated fats such as grass fed (necessary, folks) butter, coconut oil, and avocados, all contain the vitamins necessary to utilize calcium appropriately. Did you know that without vitamins A, D, and K2, calcium can build up in your joints, soft tissue, and arteries? What do you think that does for the heath of your heart? *HINT* no bueno…
- Overly high bad cholesterol levels (LDL) are an indicator of chronic systemic inflammation, since cholesterol shows up when something in the body is inflamed. It seems obvious that this must mean cholesterol causes that inflammation, but that isn't the case. Think about it. This concept is equivalent to the rational that fire fighters cause fires. They are at the scene of the crime, so they must be the cause. Here again, intuitive thinking leads us astray. Cholesterol is there to deal with the problem by helping your body to produce new, healthy cells thus decreasing the amount of inflammation. Cholesterol, like the fire fighter, is there to help address and deal with the problem.
- Human existence depends on one thing: fertility. Naturally occurring, unrefined saturated fats, are essential for hormonal balance and optimization. Healthy sex hormones, healthy reproduction, healthy population. Nice.
In conclusion: Eat The Yolks, savor the butter, cherish the coconut oil, and ditch the canola oil.
I'm not saying that I won't look back in 10 years and wonder, “What was I thinking?” in regards to butter coffee. Although modern science on the benefits of consuming grass fed butter and coconut oil currently backs the turn in health that I've experienced, the study of nutrition is always evolving. Who is to say science will always confirm this?
What I'm saying is, since I've added saturated fats (butter coffee) to my diet, I'm feeling better than I ever have in my life and I have a lot of strong nutritional science to back it. If I shake my head later and consider butter coffee a health trend, I'm going to say right now that it was worth it.
Wanna experience first hand how eating fat can actually help you to lose fat and gain energy? Give my Fat Focused Detox a week and you'll never go back. Bonus: it's free!
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