Show your fat some love. That's right, grab a big handful, put your lips up to it, and show it some love.You may think I'm crazy, but dietary fats are your new best friend when ...
Butter Coffee: When It Won’t Make You Bulletproof
That's right folks: Individual circumstances may vary. Do read on... I thought about titling this blog post; "When you shouldn't drive a $116,000+ BMW M6 Gran Coupe." Answer: When ...
Unhealthy “Health” Foods
You're following it, right? The health and wellness trend? If you've been involved in any form of social media in the past couple of years, you can definitely identify the sudden ...
5 Fatty Foods You Should Be Eating For Breakfast
I still remember the first thought I had after stumbling upon Bulletproof Coffee on a fat loss forum: "How can consuming butter and oil blended into coffee possibly help me lose ...
Ketogenic Diet for Epilepsy: Anna’s Success Story | Part Two
In case you missed Part One, we are talking to Ashley about her 4 year old daughter's success story with a ketogenic diet for epilepsy. Hop on over to read the first part of this ...
Ketogenic Diet for Epilepsy: Anna’s Success Story | Part One
I’m thrilled to be kicking off our Grass Fed Salsa Q&A series by sharing the amazing story of Anna, a beautiful four year old, told to us by her mother, Ashley. I’ve known ...
How to Rock Your Autoimmune Paleo Protocol Transition… On the First Try
I tried, and failed, an autoimmune paleo protocol transition three separate times before finally, finding success and committing to the life-changing nutritional protocol. I'd love ...
“What was I thinking?”
Is this the fate of butter coffee? A sad future debunking my theory that consuming grass fed butter was 'the cure' to so many of my health problems? I recently shared my recipe ...